Our Philosophy

Kids at Lytle MDO believes in the development of the whole child, which includes their physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth and development. In our warm and loving environment, children are encouraged to reach their fullest potential in all areas of life.

  • We nurture each child’s development in the natural way children learn, through activities and play.
  • We believe each child is a gift; a special and unique individual. We strive to meet each of their unique personalities and learning styles.
  • We focus on the development of self-esteem and an awareness and respect of others and the world around us, in a blend of education and Christian Spirit.


Registration will take place the middle of March for the following school year. Currently enrolled families and their siblings, as well as church members, will be given first opportunity to register before the program is opened to the community at the beginning of April. Registration will then take place on a first come, first-serve basis. All families must re-register for each session. A pre-registration period for current and new students will be posted, at which time there will be a discounted fee that is due at time of registration.

A waiting list of families wanting to enter the program will be kept throughout the year. Waiting list registration will be ongoing throughout the year as openings become available. When an opening does become available, all paperwork, fees, and current month’s tuition (that will be prorated at $25.00 per remaining school days) must be submitted before your child may begin attending MDO.

  1.  Download Registration Form
  2.  Print Registration Form
  3.  Fill Out the Form & Bring or Mail to the Church

Location & Hours

Kids at Lytle is located in the Nursery area of Lytle South Baptist Church, 1125 E. Industrial Blvd. For the easiest access to the center during drop-off and pick-up, enter the church through the side (west) door labeled Fellowship Hall and Classrooms. Since our doors remain locked, please call the church to gain access to the building during non-school hours as alternate entrances may be necessary.  This entrance will normally be at the north door between the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall in the grassy area.

Kids at Lytle MDO is open Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays – September through mid-May 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Holidays, Semester Breaks, & Inclement Weather:  We follow the Wylie Independent School District calendar regarding holidays, early releases, and semester breaks. In case of inclement weather, please watch the local news stations or check the Lytle South Baptist Church webpage for updates. If you do not have access to a television or internet, you may call the Director at (325) 695-6533.

Arrival:  Parents may begin dropping students off at 8:55 a.m. We ask that you do not enter the building any earlier as our teachers will be completing their preparation for the day. Parents must accompany their children to the classroom and sign their children daily. Signing the roll sheet ensures that we know your child is at school and that you have transferred responsibility to the teacher. Please make sure you speak with the teacher as well upon your arrival. *Please do not ever leave your child unattended in the center if the teacher is not present.

Departure:  Children should be picked up by 2:30 p.m. A fee of $1 per minute will be charged for any child remaining after 2:35 p.m. Parents with two or more children should arrive by 2:15 to ensure there is ample time to pick up both children by 2:30. Please be considerate of our staff’s personal time. Many of our staff members are mothers of older children who need to be picked up from school. Please allow them to leave our facility in a timely manner so that they may tend to their own children.

Children will only be released to people authorized by parents to pick up the child, as listed on their registration form. If necessary, photo identification may be requested by the program before your child is released. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify us, in writing, of any changes in the names of authorized persons.

Children will not be released to older brothers and sisters. According to Texas standards, a child may be released only to a parent or an adult (18 years or older) designated by the parent.

Absences:  Please call ahead if your child is going to absent. This helps us keep track of our students.

Tuition & Fees

Registration Fee: A $95 registration fee per child or $150 per family is non-refundable and due at the time of enrollment for classes during regular school year (September – May).  Summer 2025 Registration – To be Determined

Tuition:  Your child’s tuition and fees provide the operating budget for Kids at Lytle and based on the average number of class days in the school year (September – May). Tuition is $185 per month and is due on the first of every month unless other arrangements have been made with the Director.  We recommend that you keep a record of all your tuition payments and fees for income tax purposes. Because our program regulations require us to engage staff based on the number of children enrolled, we cannot refund or credit tuition for absences.   Summer 2025 Tuition: Check on “Kids at Lytle” Facebook Page for updated information on tuition & dates.

Payments will be made through your Brightwheel account (the app is found in your app store) and are due on the first of the month, unless other arrangements have been made. If you prefer to pay tuition by cash or check, you can pay directly to the church office. There will be a processings fee for payments through Brightwheel. Because our program regulations require us to engage staff based on the number of children enrolled, we cannot refund or credit tuition for absences.

Tuition Discount:  A $10 family discount will be given to all additional children, after the first full tuition from the same family.

Late Fees: A $15 late fee is charged on all late tuition after the 10th of each month.  If there your family is having some unexpected financial issues, please contact Teri, the Director, to make special payment arrangements to catch up.

Insufficient Checks: We will charge a handling fee of $40 for the processing of any check returned to us due to insufficient funds. You will be notified in writing.

Withdrawal: It is our goal to provide an atmosphere that meets each child’s individual needs. However, we also recognize that not every situation is appropriate for every child. If, for any reason our center is found to be unsatisfactory for a child, we make every effort to determine the cause. We work together with parents to help the child adjust. If this is not possible, the parent and/or Kids at Lytle may choose to terminate childcare on a timeline that is designed to be in the best interest of the child.

We require a 30-day written notice if you intend to withdraw your child from our program. Tuition will be charged for the following months for the remainder of the current semester if written notice is not given. This policy is not intended to be penalizing; however, in order to meet our expenses and offer an adequate staff/child ratio, we must ask for your cooperation.

*Kids at Lytle MDO reserves the right to terminate care of a child for the following reasons:

  • Non-payment for childcare services
  • The child exhibits behaviors that endanger the other children or s not adapting well to being in our program enrolled in the center and/or the child exhibits special needs that cannot be met at MDO. In these instances, we will make every effort to involve the parents, and any other appropriate resources, to determine the best course of action for this child, prior to any termination

Classroom Curriculum

We believe in developing well rounded children at HLK. During their time with us you can expect your child to experience many areas of development including, but not limited to:

Bible Lessons                                                             Dramatic Play

Math & Science                                                          Free Play

Music and Movement                                               Language & Reading

Arts & Crafts

Outdoor Play *Weather permitting, please dress your child appropriately and send layers of clothing during cooler seasons. In inclement weather, activities will be arranged for the children inside.

Birthday Celebrations– Children enjoy celebrating birthdays in the classroom with their friends. Although we do not provide the materials for each individual birthday celebration, we do invite and encourage parents to send a special birthday snack for your child’s celebration. Please check with your teacher ahead of time for any food allergies your child’s classmates may have.

More Information

For more information about the following topics, please download and read the Lytle South Baptist Church Mother’s Day Out Handbook.

At the beginning of each Regular or Summer Session, there will be a “Meet the Teacher” event to get acquainted with your teachers, student’s room, and to get a complete list of supplies.  A synopsis of the session will be provided and a list of any particular items each class may need for the year.

  • Parent Communication
  •      Calendar
  •      Newsletter/Notices
  •      Accident Report
  •      Lost & Found
  • Basic School Supplies 
  •      Supplies children are asked to bring each day
  •      Supplies children are asked to bring at the beginning of the year
  • Meals & Snacks
  • Naps & Resting
  • Behavior & Discipline Guidelines

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