Wednesday Night Activities

Team Kids - Ages 3 to 5 Children's Choir - Grades 1 - 6 (Bible Drill - keep practicing!) Refresh - Grades 7 - 12 6:15 pm - Adult Bible Study […]

Children’s Choir Singing

The Lytle South Children's Choir will be singing at the morning Worship Service.

Mother’s Day Out

Lytle South Baptist Church 1125 E. Industrial Blvd., Abilene, TX, United States

            KIDS AT LYTLE - MDO is fun for kids ages 1 to 4 and parents to have free time. Registration form:

Ladies Annual Christmas Caroling

Meet at Olive Garden Ornament Exchange & Caroling Eat * Fellowship * Gifts & Fun in General! Caroling to Senior Adults & Shut Ins

Mother’s Day Out

Lytle South Baptist Church 1125 E. Industrial Blvd., Abilene, TX, United States

            KIDS AT LYTLE - MDO is fun for kids ages 1 to 4 and parents to have free time. Registration form:

Fellowship Meal

Home Cooked Stew Cornbread Dessert

Wednesday Night Activities

Team Kids - Ages 3 to 5; Bible Drill - Grades 1 - 6; Refresh - Grades 7 - 12; 6:15 pm - Adult Bible Study