AHG/TL USA Ice Cream Social

Get to know AHG & TL Information event for Girls & Boys kindergarten through 12th grade interested in Christian alternative to scouting. Regular Meetings on Thursday evening during the school […]

Church-Wide Swim Party

Big Country Baptist Assembly 201 FM 142, Leuders, TX, United States

Church-wide Swim Party 6-8 p.m. at Big Country Baptist Assembly Members bring: weanies, hot dog buns, chips & drinks. Church providing: condiments & ice cream sandwiches. You will be responsible […]

AHG/TL Kick-Off Meeting

LSBC Fellowship Hall 1125 E Industrial Bl, Abilene, TX, United States

Regular Meetings on Thursday evening during the school year.

Trunk or Treat

Lytle South Baptist Church 1125 E Industrial Blvd, Abilene, TX, United States

Due to health concerns, this year LSBC is hosting a TRUNK OR TREAT

MDO Summer Session Registration Open

MDO Summer Session June 7 - August 25 Mondays & Wednesdays  -  9 am - 2:30 pm Tuition - $180/month Registration Fee $50 Ages 2 to entering Kindergarten Fall 2021