Ladies Bible/Book Study
LSBC LIbrary 1125 E Industrial Blvd, Abilene, TX, United StatesLadies Bible Study & Christian Book Review "God's Attributes, Rest for Life's Struggles" by Brad Hambrick
Ladies Bible Study & Christian Book Review "God's Attributes, Rest for Life's Struggles" by Brad Hambrick
Mac & Cheese boxes due by Sunday, Nov 20 for ABA Social Ministry
Today we’re celebrating the conclusion of our Living by the Spirit fall sermon series and our fall home group study, Life on Mission. Everyone is invited to join us for […]
Youth Home Group (only)
KIDS AT LYTLE - MDO is fun for kids ages 1 to 4 and parents to have free time. Registration form:
KIDS AT LYTLE - MDO is fun for kids ages 1 to 4 and parents to have free time. Registration form:
Fried Meat with Mac & Cheese, Veggie, Bread & Dessert
Team Kids - Ages 3 to 5; Bible Drill - Grades 1 - 6; Refresh - Grades 7 - 12; 6:15 pm - Adult Bible Study
Ryan McDaniel is leaving for boot camp with the National Guard and on Monday and Shane and Jill Tidwell are planning an impromptu sendoff for him. They are planning a […]
KIDS AT LYTLE - MDO is fun for kids ages 1 to 4 and parents to have free time. Registration form: